Aligned with SDG 13, Climate Action, our program promotes Renewable Energy Adoption, Afforestation, and Reforestation projects, and Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience programs. We facilitate tree planting initiatives by providing seedlings to communities, collaborate with weather-focused departments for early warnings, and conduct workshops on climate change adaptation and resilience methods.

We work with schools to form environmental clubs, training students on the importance of conserving the environment. Key topics include Introduction to Environmental Science, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and Conservation, Pollution and Waste Management, Wildlife Protection, Environmental Ethics, Environmental Justice, Green Technology and Innovation, and Community Involvement and Activism. Practical activities include field trips, hands-on projects like tree planting, and citizen science initiatives. This comprehensive curriculum aims to educate and empower students to take meaningful action in their communities for environmental protection and sustainability.

As an organization committed to environmental sustainability, we recognize the importance of taking incremental steps toward a greener future. With over 10,000 tree seedlings in our nurseries, we are proud contributors to a larger initiative aimed at planting 15 billion trees by 2032. This endeavor, part of the African Landscape Restoration Initiative launched on December 22nd, 2022, is pivotal in reducing greenhouse emissions, halting deforestation, and restoring 5.1 million hectares of degraded landscapes. While we acknowledge that our efforts alone may not revolutionize the world, we firmly believe in the power of collective action. Like a stone cast into the water, our actions create ripples that inspire others to join the cause of environmental conservation and restoration.